Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg Review – RENUE BY SCIENCE

Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg Review

Vita-Age Nutrition's NMN 20000mg Review

Price Calculation

Price per gram = $3.80

40 capsules x 250mg per capsule = 10,000mg or 10 grams
Price per bottle = $38 / 10 grams = $3.80 per gram


Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg is a dietary supplement containing the active ingredients nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), and natural astaxanthin. Each serving of the supplement contains 250 mg of NMN, and 4 mg of astaxanthin, contained in an 80 capsule container. This review will discuss the purported benefits associated with NMN and astaxanthin, as well as potential associated side effects.

Benefits of NMN and Astaxanthin

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a molecule present in the body which plays an essential role in energy metabolism. Aging leads to decreased levels of NMN, resulting in decreased energy and cellular functions. Taking NMN supplements helps to restore these levels, enhancing overall cell function and energy.


Astaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment noted for imparting a pinkish hue to certain foods, including salmon and shrimp. This molecule has potent antioxidant capabilities which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, while also exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation throughout the body.


Ingredients of Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg Supplement

Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement contains two active ingredients: nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and natural astaxanthin. NMN is a molecule naturally found in the body which plays an integral role in energy metabolism; supplementing with such can help restore levels of this molecule, resulting in improved cell function and energy.

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment responsible for imparting certain foods, such as shrimp and salmon, their characteristic pinkish color. This molecule has been demonstrated to possess potent antioxidant capabilities, which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Each serving of the supplement provides 250 mg of NMN and 4 mg of astaxanthin; additional ingredients include rice flour, magnesium stearate, and hypromellose.


Potential Side Effects

Although NMN and astaxanthin are typically deemed safe, certain individuals may encounter side effects while taking these supplements. Potential adverse effects associated with NMN include gastrointestinal distress, headaches and dizziness, while astaxanthin has been linked to stomach pain, diarrhea and discoloration of the skin.

Prior to beginning any new supplement regimen, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider in order to ensure its appropriateness for an individual’s specific needs, as well as for monitoring potential side effects.

Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement is a promising dietary supplement formulated to facilitate healthy aging. The product contains two main ingredients, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and natural astaxanthin. Both of these components have been demonstrated to possess powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. While NMN and astaxanthin are usually considered safe, medical advice should be sought before taking any new supplement in order to evaluate the appropriateness of use and monitor possible side effects.



What is Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)?

NMN is a molecule found naturally in the body which has an essential role in energy metabolism. It acts as a precursor to the coenzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), and is involved in processes such as energy metabolism and DNA repair. Over time, levels of NMN can decrease, leading to a reduction in energy and functionality of cells. Supplementation with NMN may help replenish these levels, restoring normal cell function and energy production.

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment which contributes to the pinkish colouring of some food sources such as salmon and shrimp. It has been shown to have potent antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, as well as anti-inflammatory properties which reduce inflammation in the body.

How should I take Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement?

The recommended dosage for Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement is one capsule per day, preferably taken with a meal.

Is Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, the capsules used for Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement are vegetarian friendly.

Can I take Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement if I have a medical condition or am taking medication?

It is important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regime, especially when dealing with medical conditions or medications; NMN and Astaxanthin may interact with certain medicines so it is important to discuss this prior to supplementation.

Is Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women? 

Given there has not been enough research into potential side effects during pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is best that pregnant or breastfeeding women avoid taking supplements containing either NMN or Astaxanthin.

How long does one container of Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement last?

Each container of Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement contains 80 capsules, each with a single serving. Therefore, one container is capable of providing supplementation for approximately 80 days.

Does Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement contain any allergens?

Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement does not contain any common allergens such as gluten, soy, dairy or nuts. Individuals with allergies or sensitivities should read the label carefully and consult their healthcare professional prior to use.

Can Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement be taken with other supplements?

Generally it is safe to take Vita-Age Nutrition’s NMN 20000mg supplement alongside other dietary supplements. However, potential interactions between these products should always be discussed with a healthcare professional before use.