Renue Age Defying Serum Trial – RENUE BY SCIENCE

Renue Age Defying Serum Trial

Our Renue™ Lotion was first introduced in May of 2019 and we've received great feedback on it. Our Renue™ Skincare line has since expanded and we are even more excited about the potential of our Renue™ Age Defying Serum for restoring and repairing skin that is ravaged by aging.

We decided to perform our own little trial, and sent out an email to our customer base asking for volunteers that would allow use to use their before and after images in exchange for free product to test. The first 100 people to reply were accepted and were shipped the first bottle of Renue™ Serum just before Thanksgiving 2020.

Renue Trial
Renue Serum Trial Results

We were pleased to find that after 30 days, all of the 100 subjects wanted to continue use, and gave us feedback on what they experienced. The overwhelming majority was extremely positive!

Of course these results are mostly subjective and not proof of anything, but we are very encouraged by them, and believe we will be getting a lot of good before/after images like the ones below.

Recent Renue™ Testimonial - Eczema Improvements

1/25/2021 (before photo)

I have suffered from severe eczema on my hands and feet for over 50 years. For years, my hands would itch so bad from deep under the skin that I would have to run extremely hot water over them to calm the itching. Consequently, afterwards, the cycle would repeat; apply cortisone and wear nitrile gloves to heal the inflamed hands which then led to dryness, cracking and bleeding. I have been using steroids by a Dermatologist to "manage" my eczema in addition to changing diet, etc.

I knew that using high percentage steroids for prolonged periods of time is not healthy which led me to research more natural remedies – some worked briefly – some were a waste of time and money. Eventually, my search let me to NAD+ by Alive by Science and I have to say that I am a very satisfied customer! The picture shows Red, swollen hands with bleeding, dry, cracked fingers and knuckles.

2/9/2021 (2 weeks later, after photo)

After applying NAD+ Renue serum and lotion every day for 2 weeks there was remarkable improvement in the condition of my hands. The pictures really do not tell the actual incredible story. From a comfort perspective, the redness is gone along with the swelling itching, dryness, scaling, cracking and inflammation. Aside from the natural age-related condition, my natural pigment has returned with zero evidence of Eczema – I mean no itching, scaling, bleeding, or dryness! Thank you, NAD+ serum and lotion!

Bill's 30 Day Results  - Sunspots Diminished

Renue Skincare Review by Alive By Science
Click to View Full Size

Here is an image we received recently from a Renue™ trial participant, Bill, who has been using the Renue™ Age Defying Serum in the morning and evening, 4 pumps each time, massaging it into the scalp.

There is a noticeable diminishment in his sunspots and scalp hyperpigmentation, as well as possible hair growth - and all in a span of one month!
Here you can read about Bill's experience, in his own words.


I was using Renue Topical Lotion on my face and neck for about 2 months and noticed that my eyebrows had regrown and were actually darker. Due to my hypothyroid condition, my eyebrows had thinned out to a point where you could barely tell I had any. This discovery encourage me to allow my hair to grow back (until this time I was shaving my head). I started using Renue Topical Lotion on my hair as well as my face and neck. I felt I saw some improvement. I wanted to investigate further for products similar to the lotion so I went on the Alive by Science website and notice they were conducting a trial for the Renue Age Defying Serum. I immediately applied to be a part of the trial. I received the first shipment of product, Renue Age Defying Serum, on November 20, 2020.


I use the product both morning and evening. I use 4 pumps each time, messaging the serum into the scalp. Photographs for November 20, 2020 Please note the sun damage at the crown of the head.

December 10, 2020 Photographs - note: sun damage continues to disappear. Although it is hard to tell I believe that I am seeing new hair growth.

Note: sun damage is gone. The scalp looks refreshed and I believe there was some hair growth although it is hard to tell in these photos. I see a more pronounced hairline when I look at myself in the mirror. It is my hope that perhaps the hair will darken so it becomes more visible.

Over the month I believe that the scalp condition has improved considerably, the sunspots have disappeared and I believe there has been some improvement in hair quality and growth. I received the second shipment of product on December 19, 2020. Along with the Renue Age Defying Serum, I received a canister of Renue Topical Lotion. I will continue the regime of twice a day application with the Renue Age Defying Serum and I will apply the Renue Topical lotion once a day in the mornings. I look forward to the next month with anticipation of more improvement with scalp conditioning and hair growth.